Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Roof Overhang

Today we got to finish up the roof overhang on the river side of our slips. Things are starting tio shape up nicely at the cottage these days, with the installation of the metal brakets (a couple of weeks back) & the main beam sections to be installed tomorrow for our HUGE deck we is constructing. Anchor Girl was nice enough (again) to bring the hard working crew fresh coffee & Tim Bits all the way from The Wick. A little later on, Debbie & Pat showed up, too. There was actually quite a few folks visiting their vessels up there today, with the beautiful sunshine we had. Met a few more of the locals & gave everyone fair warning about the Crazy Keswickians. From what we seen so far, this season is gonna be a HOOT!!!

Today we also cut out the opening that's on the land side of Boogaboo's slip. Here's a pic of that big deal. That's where the new deck is going to go to. Or more :-)

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