Monday, June 2, 2008

Cold & Frosty

Another cool weekend. That is, cool as in not too warm. As in cold. Oh well, at least I finally got my oil changes done & the bilge cleaned up. Fascinating, I know - but it all has to be done & now that it is, bring on the summer stuff! Looks promising for this coming weekend, as the Weather Network is threatening 30 + degrees :-) Anyone for a big Woo-Hoo on that???

Well, I told Sonja it would come to this. I said that if she bought a Sea Ray it would lead to a down hill spiral of drinking & who knows what else :-( And now that she is seriously contemplating one of those vessels, she surely enough has already hit the bottle;
What's next? Silly hats & loud Hawaiian shirts?!?!?

Finally, we understand that things have gotten really quiet down in Keswick. And I thought those tumbleweeds rolling accross The Queensway were just a coincidence . . . Any who, Will & Donna dropped by on thier way back from you-know-where to see what life at a marina is supposed to look like. That & full slips. Ouch - someone is gonna be mad at me for that one . . .

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