Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weatherman Blues

Other than a brief time on Friday evening for me to capture another super sunset (above picture), it looks like the weatherman dropped the ball - again. What was supposed to be a sunny and hot weekend turned out to be a cool and rainy one. Oh well, got lots done around the cottage, including getting all the summer stuff back on the boat. We're pretty much ready to go right now, other than some minor mechanical adjustments and some waxing on the topsides. Sure was good to be back on the boat for the whole weekend!!!
After we all got over that bit of excitement, it was on to Saturday's rain storm. I took this one right before the rain hit with the approaching clouds in the background; A quick note on the above picture. As some of you have already noticed, AG picked up a new flag to replace the old, tattered one. As of right now, that old flag has not been disposed of, as there was some controversy as to what should be done with it. Seems Anchor Girl wasn't too comfortable with my informing her that the proper etiquette for disposing of an old Canadian flag is to burn it. Well it is. Here's a LINK to the government of Canada web site that outlines these sorts of things.
After it stopped raining, the Pefferlaw River had risen to the highest point any of had ever seen - in all the years we have been coming there ;-)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just In Case . . .

Just in case you were considering a trip to The Bay this year - or if you are just up for some reminiscing - I put together a video montage of the Picnic Island store & docks in Honey Harbour. If you watch closely (there will be a test), you'll notice lots of A.) Wind and B.) Boat Traffic. The C.) Lots Of Rocks goes without mentioning.

 Pretend you didn't read that :-)

 Any who, for anyone wanting to spend a few days in the area of Honey Harbour or Beausoleil Island, this is the #1/only spot for boat fuel (gas), people fuel (food/gas), pump out, water, french fries and ICE CREAM. All of the above in one spot. Probably why it's always so darned busy. And a real treat to get in and out of! Did I mention the constant wind? Watch;

Plus . . . Just in case you are looking forward to visiting Bobcaygeon this summer, we have a clip of non other than Free Bird zooming at break neck speed across Canal Lake back on the July 1st weekend '08. This section of Canal Lake is the eastern part, just past (going that way from here) Bolsover and looking toward the 'Hole In The Wall' bridge.
Finally for this evening, just in case you were waiting for 'someone' to post some more pics from the Labour Day Long Weekend at Lagoon City, I guess you'll have to wait. PARKER!!! In the meantime, here's a video clip of some of us standing around discussing the finer points of dead carp disposal;
As always, your comments, suggestions and photos are welcome . . .