Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Clock Is Ticking

I wasn't able to get to an update this weekend, as I was again a busy little boy working on getting the abode all gussied before the fast approaching Christmas time holidays. Ya, the whole one day I'll actually have 'off'. 

I got no choice but to get to this work now, considering my Friday to Sunday routine is filled with much more important activities from sometime in March to the end of October. You know, all the fun stuff we look forward to. And by fun, I mean from late Friday afternoon to just after dinner on Sunday, from sometime in March to the end of October - and whatever HIGHLY anticipated trouble we can get into therein ;-) 

So, check back during the week for the next full update. Who knows when I'll get really inspired to get at the next one. Actually, inspiration I have lots of - trust me on that - but time is the thing. Really busy with 'Work' work these days and having to burn the midnight oil trying to get things set up for next year. Plus, I still got the Year End Video to tackle and up to now it's been a little tough to get the inspiration going on that. But, fear not as tonight I started playing and got some serious chuckles happening. Before I knew it, I got a whole segment done! 

But before you get too excited about it, I feel it is incumbent upon myself to once again apologize for any potential staining of the memory of Karen Carpenter. And, for any potential offense that the said segment may impart to my viewers. Let's just say that if you were there when it was ALL happening, I'm sure your eyes have healed by now. And, if you happen to be co-habituating with the subject of the segment, it's nothing you (and I) haven't seen before. Or half of Georgian Bay and any of the assembled boats at Chief Island. You have been warned. . . . I had to start somewhere!!!

So, until we talk again, I leave you with a sample of the upcoming 2nd half of our Chimney Bay adventure;

Ain't that a pretty sight? Of course it is! The anchors seem to be holding well and we aren't even close to those boats in the background . . . . YET!!


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