Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Year of Boating Videos :-)

2011 certainly brought some dramatic changes to the Boogaboo Crew, and that of our family and friends. Focusing on the positive, the best thing that came from our boating year was the move to a new marina and the fact that many of our boating buddies were able to join us.

 Not to sound like a broken record, but I continue to be very busy with 'Work' work and haven't done as many updates as I would have liked to, but at least I've gotten quite a few videos posted and I'd like to share some of the newest ones with you.

 Any ways, in no particular order, let's go boating;

 First one is a seven minute full ride onto, over (down) and off the Big Chute Marine Railway (taken on our way to Georgian Bay this summer);

 And, now it's time to go back up (taken on our way back from The Bay at the end of our holidays). Quick note that this was the very first time we were able to drive right up to the carriage without having to wait at the blue line;

Now, let's pick up the pace a bit and let them horses fly across Parry Sound. I hope I don't mess my hair up ;-)

 Here's a gale warning report from the end of September. How would you like to be in the THIRTEEN FOOT waves forecast in this marine report?

More to come . . . .