Friday, February 10, 2012

Lagoonapalooza 2011 - New Marina

You already read the story of how we came to find ourselves as permanent residents of Lagoon City Marina, so here's the pics from that fateful Labour Day Weekend, 2011.

 The parting shot of our old slip in Pek-R-Law, with Anchor Girl ready to take off by road to meet me at our new home;

It was a hot, hazy day when I headed out on to Lake Simcoe.

An hour and quarter later, after an uneventful - but reflective - crossing of Lake Simcoe, I got in to Lagoon City;

Tied up in our first slip. We had initially booked some slips for the long weekend and upon finding out we were staying, the staff let us choose from a few available slips. So we ended up moving a little closer to the river;

Here comes Jim & Marg. They, too, would end up committing to staying year around;

 Next in was Bill. He would be the last to commit to staying here;

 Bill looking happy with his decision to stay;

 Boogaboo IV in our more permanent slip. Parked beside us (for the day) was Ron - with the old Boogaboo III. Ya, he stayed too :-)

Jimmy set up the tent thing for us to do dinner. As ours was the only BBQ there, we all threw our food on it and had a sort of pot luck dinner. It was nice.

Wevvy looks like he's all broke up about leaving Pefferlaw.
That's right, the Docked Wages crew moved up, too.
 The other part of the story is that there is at least FIVE MORE boats that left Everglades Marina last fall & will not be returning.

Anchor Girl brings me an ice cold MGD. What a woman!
 Gee, I hope she remembered what boat to get it from ;-)

 Although we didn't get the heavy rain that was forecast for the weekend, it did sprinkle a little bit here & there. This tent worked out perfectly for dinner;

A walk down to the lake to orientate the newbies;

Life's a beach :-)

The gang kicks back, enjoy the sun and discussing our new home;

I'm thinking this is a good a place to insert my video from the weekend;

Chris (the marina's general manager) & the rest of the staff host a 'trick or treat' thing for the kids at this time of the year.
We are looking forward to the other events they put on for the bigger kids;-)

Jimmy kicking back;

I wish Bill could learn to relax!

We went over to the Harbour Inn restaurant for dinner one night. A nice place with great food!

A full table;

Hoisting a toast to our new home!

A shot from the other rend of the table to make sure we got everyone in the shot;

Can you tell I'm happy to be here?

Wow - look at that sun streaming in through the windows!

I had to go outside to capture it - our first sunset in our new home, and a positive omen for the days and years to come;

Nice or what? I'd go with nice :-)

 Glad to finally be at Lagoon City. I had said way back in he Keswick Marine days that my hope was to some day be here - and here we are :-)