Monday, June 3, 2013

Sailboat Crashed Into Overhead Power Lines :-(

A bit of excitement at our marina this past weekend with hydro lines tore down and the marina left without electrical power for a few hours.

 All this was thanks to an overexcited sail boater who was taking his boat from the storage compound over to the launch ramp. I'm guessing he was more concerned with trying to remember if the drain plug was in, or the batteries charged that he forgot to look up at the lines he was about to hit!

 With live wires draped across (what's left of) his boat, it's a good thing that he had the presence of mind to stay in his truck until the Hydro One crews showed up. Ya, he had that and a bit of whiplash too ;-)

The good news is that the boys from Hydro One were able to get a new pole installed and the power back in in just over two hours. Good thing too, as my beer was precariously close to start getting warm ;-)

 Here's an 'One Scene' video report ;

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