Thursday, August 1, 2013

Nature's Child

The older I get, the more I find myself longing to be close to nature. I first recognized the phenomenon roughly eight years ago, after returning to our home after a summer boating holiday.

 We had been traveling on the boat for three weeks, enjoying the lakes and rivers of the Trent Severn Waterway and getting in some serious relaxation. When we arrived back home, all the pavement, concrete and cars came crashing onto my previous state of . . . . solitude.

A day tied to an old wooden dock had somehow become more rewarding than such mundane things as a house, nice car or any other such material 'things'.

Peaceful settings like this are now what is important. We are working closer to enjoying this lifestyle more and more full time, with plans to travel farther and further and taking in as much of life's beauty as we can experience - all at a slow pace.

Water, trees, wildlife. Awesome. . .

Maybe I can express myself better in this video, in conversation with my buddy, Perry The Penguin;

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