Saturday, July 28, 2007

Show Time(s)

Currently at Peterborough. Last night, as part of the Festival Of Lights, we saw a tribute band doing all Bee Gees stuff & Wednesday evening it was the actual band Nazareth. But tonight is the one that Anchor Girl has been really waiting for - a tribute to The Man In Black, Johnny Cash!

The internet connection here is spotty so when I get a better connection I'll upload some video clips, as I know you are eagerly anticipating that :-)

This next pic is one that A.G. took of me, being questioned by the OPP (why is that I always seem to run into those guys lately?) at Young's Point.

Ya, there was couple of kids that kept racing past the marina in their little boats. Well, by Sunday night the owner of the marina had enough and, well, sort of took matters into his own hands. . . . So, the cops showed up & I offered my side of the story as a witness. All good in the end, and we even ended up having a few beers that night with Keith & entertained his little guy, Ryan, aboard Boogaboo.

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