Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cool Weekend, Man

Still no words . . . . . or pictures . . . . or videos . . . . or rumors. . . . . from the Keswick gang, so I'm forced to bore you all with the continuing tales from Rotten Row east - 'The Dock Crocs'.

Well, first long weekend of the summer wasn't the greatest, weather wise, but we managed to have tons - o - fun anyway!

Friday afternoon, we took advantage of the sun & low winds to head over for a pump out (the gals had been using the head on Boogaboo for about three weeks before it even went in the water while we were at The Cottage doing the deck work), some gas & the first little run out on the lake. Later that evening, me & AG + Graham & Debbie took our dinkies out for the first sunset cruise of the year. Ya, we took the little inflatables all the way out to the big lake, where AG took this lovely sunset photo;

Saturday night we had our first fire for the year. Too bad the firewood we ordered didn't quite make it into our possession like we had hoped for Friday, so we picked up some highly overpriced camp firewood from the local variety store and made the most of it. Besides we had fireworks to set off!

As you can see in this pic, it was so cold from the wind, that Analus Von Brauweiller moved his truck close to the fire pit to block the wind for us. Awe.
On Saturday, the eagerly anticipated fire pile (a whole bush chord) showed up - just before the rain! When the rain slowed down a bit, we all hoped out to get the pile sorted. Man, I am so happy that I was finally able to learn from a master pile maker as how to pile wood in a proper pile (say that five times fast).

Not to be having about worrying about running out of wood, we got a really big pile, which is now in a neat pile by the pole. Here are the chief pilers, behind the pile;  Looking forward to some better weather this coming weekend - and being able to put the tools down for a few hours to kick back & enjoy the fruits of all our labours!! (And going for another dinghy ride or two - we are still looking forward to the big Dinghy Race, so stay tuned . . . ).

FINALLY, Yours Truly might be making an appearance on the Weather Network to talk about boating. I kid you not. Neat, eh? If that happens, I'll be sure to let you know . . . . .


Anonymous said...

It was me......Sharon....and I think dinkys is really dingys, unless of course you guys really are dinkys???? :0) ha ha! We also have one on order, so I just can't wait till we can all get together and play with our dinkies!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the marina today and it sure was windy ,not much to do.. and then the boys pulled out their dinkies and the girls all got on and had a ride , it looked like fun, but i did happen to notice that brauweiller's dinky is bigger than everyone else's .... why ? everyone else seems happy with a smaller dinky.....either way big or small looks like a fun ride and lots of laughs.

Anonymous said...

alright.....that was not me who posted that last one.....!!
