Monday, June 9, 2008

Busy Boating Weekend!

Wow - was that a beautiful weekend or what?!?!? I tell you, coming from the cold and windy spring to HOT & SUNNY boating weather sure was a treat. And did we ever pack allot of fun into two days!

Saturday - on the spur of the moment - we all headed up to Gambridge Lock to buy our lock passes for 2008. Hey, now that we are so close by, it was nuttin, honey.

As well, I wanted Gray Ham to see what an easy trip it'll be for the Canada Day weekend trip to Fenelon Falls. And it was sunny & nice, so it make the day feel like we were on our summer holidays!!!

When we got back to the 'Chicken Harbour', as the locals call it, we headed into the shallow sandy spot, dropped anchor & jumped in for a s-s-s-s-sw-w-w-w-i-i-i-m-m-m-. Man, it sure was cold! Actually, with the temperature approaching 40 degrees, it was a welcome splash!!

Heading back into our slips back at the marina, Analous Von Brauweiller had a little mishap with his antennas. Both of them. Oh well, that's boating!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Cold & Frosty

Another cool weekend. That is, cool as in not too warm. As in cold. Oh well, at least I finally got my oil changes done & the bilge cleaned up. Fascinating, I know - but it all has to be done & now that it is, bring on the summer stuff! Looks promising for this coming weekend, as the Weather Network is threatening 30 + degrees :-) Anyone for a big Woo-Hoo on that???

Well, I told Sonja it would come to this. I said that if she bought a Sea Ray it would lead to a down hill spiral of drinking & who knows what else :-( And now that she is seriously contemplating one of those vessels, she surely enough has already hit the bottle;
What's next? Silly hats & loud Hawaiian shirts?!?!?

Finally, we understand that things have gotten really quiet down in Keswick. And I thought those tumbleweeds rolling accross The Queensway were just a coincidence . . . Any who, Will & Donna dropped by on thier way back from you-know-where to see what life at a marina is supposed to look like. That & full slips. Ouch - someone is gonna be mad at me for that one . . .