Sunday, September 28, 2008

Get Yer Roasters Out

I had to start this one with a shot I took of the SPECTACULAR sunset we had on Friday. Looking over the Pefferlaw River, this was the view we were privy to. I took some more a little while later on, when the colours changed to a purple/blue, but I'll save those for another time. In the meantime, enjoy this one.

The first annual Dock Crocs Corn Roast was received with great success this weekend at The Cottage. I want to pass along another big Thank You for everyone who attended and for all the treats that showed up, too! Man, I'm still stuffed. In fact, I bring this to you while enjoying a piece of pumpkin pie that somehow made it into my truck for the ride home ;-)

The weather wasn't 100%, but with a bit of plastic and some good timing on the cooking, we were able to make the most of it. I'm uploading a few video clips from the weekend, but they take a little longer, so I'll be posting them here over the next couple of days. . .

Speaking of well timed cooking, here's Wevvy at the Q;
'Corn's up!';

We had a little bit of a fire before the rain came;

Here's Jason, with his hands full of Oreo cookies;

And here's another little boy with his treat. This was actually taken a couple of weeks ago when the Free Bird crew finally got their very first computer!

Back to this weekend, Sanja at the helm of SunAria. She took us out for a (very) little spin on the rough waters of Lake Simcoe today;

The ladies enjoy the ride back in;

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goodbye & God Bless

Wow, really sorry to find out about Jim's passing. Man, hard to believe it was less than three weeks ago that we were all laughing and having fun with him & Jean up at Lagoon City. Yes, Steve, we will surely all remember Jim this way - laughing, joking and having a ball. Heaven just got another member for the band! And one to keep 'em in stitches. God Bless ya, buddy.

Friday, September 19, 2008

In Loving Memory of a Great Friend

This is for my friends, of the old Rotten Row...This is not a joke......To everyone that was at Lagoon City on Labor Day, who got to meet and remember Jim.

 The Guy that made us laugh, has now made some of us cry..I am putting this on the Blog as a Memorium To him, a friend of mine, (OF OURS) that we can remember him as he was...

 He passed away on Wednesday,Sept.17/08 in the afternoon, suddenly without pain. So I hope that the following images will properly depict the type of man he was..I hope we will all remember him this way..Amen

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Honey Of A Sunset

Let's go from creepy looking bugs to gorgeous sunsets over Georgian Bay. These were taken at Admirals Marina, Honey Harbour back in July. Back in July? Sounds so distant already, eh? Any who, these two were actually taken on subsequent evenings. Both were at the same spot, just a couple hundred feet apart. Enjoy; Numbero duo. Awe, look - it's Boogaboo, all snuggly-wuggly at the dock. Yes, it was great to spend a few nights at anchor on The Bay, but this was really nice, too. And Anchor Girl's ice cream fix was only a quick bike ride away :-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Giant Bug!

Graham discovered this 'Giant Water Bug' in the river at the Cottage a couple of weekends ago. I looked these things up and apparently they are quite common - although it's the first one any of us had ever seen. They live in the water, but can fly as well. They have been known to eat small fish. Also, if provoked, they can give a nasty bite :-(

Monday, September 15, 2008


September already :-( Ya, another season seems to be winding down, but it was a good one. Busy? Yes. Greatest weather? No. Good times? Definitely. So, here's a few pics from throughout the season, with many more coming to 'fill out' the stories that go along with them. . . First, we had to come up with a new name for the gang at the Pefferlaw location. So, with the crocodile in the logo of Everglades marina as inspiration, 'Dock Crocs' was born; Enjoying the beautiful clear & sandy-bottom waters of Chicken Harbour, Wevvy taes Jason for a spin in a dinky. Or two; On the July 1st long weekend, we got Freebird all the way to Fenelon Falls! We had hoped for some more boats to join in on the fun, but for a number of excuses - I mean valid, genuine reasons - only 2 boats made it. Maybe we can come up with another plan like this for the 2009 Canada Day long weekend? Any suggestions kids???? Here's a shot of the vessel (& the gals) at the top of Kirkfield lift lock. A record SIX (remember that number :-) rafting together on the lake; Okay, you can only imagine what will show up in this year's video production. Find out in February what the heck the Commodore captured with his camera up in Georgian Bay. I bet it's gonna be number ONE! HA!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

No Work At Lagoon City - Boating Holiday

Labour Day long weekend 2008 at Lagoon City - and we didn't even work! I did, however, take a number of memorable photographs of which there are a few that I would like to share with you at this time.

 Let us begin. Here's Getaway II getting away, all the way to Lagoon City. First time this far from Keswick for these folks all season, eh Parker?? And this is the first time we got together with TLC on the water this season, too! We got to spend some quality time, just chill-axing in the glorious sunshine! Without a doubt, this was the very best weather weekend of the year! Took the dinghies out for a cruise all through the channels of the City on the water. Went to the beach for a dip. What a beautiful day!!!!   In the evenings, we got to sit around the fire. I'd like to again mention thanks to our Scottish friends - Robert, Cathy, Edith and, of course, 'Big Dick' - for the sharing their portable fire pit and Sanja for transporting all that firewood from the cottage! Ya, all that effort for the honour of having Jim show us his better side. God Bless him ;-) Thanks for good times, my friends . . . .