Monday, September 15, 2008


September already :-( Ya, another season seems to be winding down, but it was a good one. Busy? Yes. Greatest weather? No. Good times? Definitely. So, here's a few pics from throughout the season, with many more coming to 'fill out' the stories that go along with them. . . First, we had to come up with a new name for the gang at the Pefferlaw location. So, with the crocodile in the logo of Everglades marina as inspiration, 'Dock Crocs' was born; Enjoying the beautiful clear & sandy-bottom waters of Chicken Harbour, Wevvy taes Jason for a spin in a dinky. Or two; On the July 1st long weekend, we got Freebird all the way to Fenelon Falls! We had hoped for some more boats to join in on the fun, but for a number of excuses - I mean valid, genuine reasons - only 2 boats made it. Maybe we can come up with another plan like this for the 2009 Canada Day long weekend? Any suggestions kids???? Here's a shot of the vessel (& the gals) at the top of Kirkfield lift lock. A record SIX (remember that number :-) rafting together on the lake; Okay, you can only imagine what will show up in this year's video production. Find out in February what the heck the Commodore captured with his camera up in Georgian Bay. I bet it's gonna be number ONE! HA!!

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