Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pefferlaw Turkeys - Orillia, Lake Simcoe Cruise

What an absolutely beautiful weekend! From Friday afternoon, right up to Monday evening we had the best weather imaginable for the middle of October and yes, I did capture another lovely sunset at the cottage; On Saturday morning we headed up to Orillia for the day/night along with Free Bird. The lake was super calm & clear; There were quite a few boats there for the weekend. No surprise, really, given the stellar conditions; After our late breakfast at 'Bygone Days' restaurant, Graham & I took the dinghies out for a row around the Port. Guess where this shot was taken; Evening at the Port; Check the calm water over Couchiching. And the fall colours on the foliage; Leaving Orillia out on Sunday. Another clear, sunny day; The fall colours on the trees was beautiful, despite the fact that it signaled autumn upon us; Crossing the lake, coming back into Chicken Harbour. What a nice sight, eh; Sanja taking SunAria over for the last pump out of the season. Debbie & Graham went along for the ride; Ahhhhh. . . . Yet another FINAL for the season, this being the final cleanup of the dinghies for the truck ride back home for the off season. Note the shorts and bare feet on the Commodore - it's October, man! I must say that I'm sure glad Anchor Girl talked me into getting that little toy - it sure was a lot of fun; On Monday, we took Boogaboo out for one last spin to run the fuel stabilizer through and burn off some gas before the sneaky snowmobilers siphon our boats again. Graham, Debbie & Sanja also came along for the ride - and a few pointers on the limitations of chart plotters :-) On this trip we discovered the passage to Virginia Beach and the Sand Islands. We also got to see the Island ferry coming back from Georgina Island; I guess taking the gang out for the last run is getting to be a tradition. . . Another great day & a great end to the season!!!

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