Monday, October 20, 2008

This Just In

Here's a few photos that have been sent to me by the technically challenged amongst us. Seems that I've been entrusted with the task of sharing them with you. I have more, but here's a start. . . Apparently, I wasn't the only one who saw the Big 'E' at the cottage on the weekend. Wevvy snapped this shot of Elvis & Dave on Graham's boat. And I thought these strange sightings only took place in Orillia. And February. These next photos/video were all submitted by the Water Wings crew. Given the fact that we saw the first SNOW of the season today up in The Wick, I figured it was a good time to reminisce about the beginning of the year when we were starting the massive renovations at the cottage; Here's the gang in Orillia, at the end of our holidays. We walked through town to look for Elvis stuff for the show at the Legion, but only found shark stuff for the Jimmy Buffet show at the park. . . . . Or was it shark on the buffet at the Elvis Restaurant? I always get those mixed up; No, it WAS shark stuff; Bringing Pugsly The Wugsly back from a tinkle run on shore. I can't remember what it was, but it appears that Wevvy & Graham were trying to make a point about something to me. Or point at me; Billie Sue forwarded these shots that were taken by someone else she knows. This was one of the water spouts that was scene on Lake Simcoe on the day we were returning from the Big Chute to Orillia. We had rain & some lightning while we were travelling, but nothing like what you guys saw around Simcoe & Couchiching; Apparently, these were taken around Beaverton; Meanwhile, back at the Big Chute, we see the Commodore & Anchor Girl taking Boogaboo over the marine railway on that very same day (Aug 7/08);


Anonymous said...

I like the pictures. Especially the ones with boats.

Anonymous said...

Hello, everyone! I like the pictures of the boats. See you, Commodore Frankie.