Friday, January 2, 2009

Another New Year!

Can you believe we are in ANOTHER new year already?? What the heck happened to the last one - or last ten? Here's hoping the best for everyone in the coming year!! 

 Sunshine & warm breezes. OK, HOT breezes, then :-) That's for Anchor Girl.
 As I glance over my shoulder to look at the calendar, I see we are now less than 3 months to getting back to the cottage for some serious 'getting ready' time. With the Boat Show starting next weekend & Frankie's Follies only SIX weeks away, it looks like we are getting real close to getting over the hump. HOO-Ha to that, eh?

 Time for this week's Winter Band Aid. That's WINTER band aid for all of you following along at home - nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
 This time we are up at Honey Harbour on Georgian Bay. Yes, another posting centered on Georgian Bay. Why, you ask? I had a friend of mine tell me that once I did 'The Bay', I'd never want to head down the 'Ditch' of the Trent Severn Waterway ever again - that's east bound for those of you not following along at home. Well, I wouldn't go that far to make that statement, but I sure was taken by the Bay & the challenge & excitement of the rough, wild aspect of the land and waters. And yes, I am proud of myself and A.G. for making up to Parry Sound and back - without missing a single marker nor hitting a single rock. Even with the dinky. And our day and night at Beckwith Island with Water Wings and Maple Leaf was definitely something I'll remember for the rest of my life!! Let's give a big HOO-HA for that!

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