Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fifty-Six Degrees

56 degrees. That's all we need to add to this morning's temperature to be right back in the swing of summer! - 28 degrees Celsius. When I saw that today, well, I just said to myself 'Self, that sure is a cold one'. Then I thought about the fact that we are now well past the half way mark for the winter and with our annual trip to the Boat Show behind us, it's all down hill from here on in. Except for the thermometer. That one has a bit of an UPHILL climb :-)

 Today's winter band aid is a group of pics I took on the July 5th (2008) weekend, which was our first overnight at anchor! And it was as perfect of a weekend as you could get, weather wise. Dead calm, sunny and hot all weekend! 

The top shot was us at anchor (duh) in Chicken Bay.
 Here's Anchor Girl walking down the dock at our slip. Note the lack of foot apparel. Yes, summer & warmth. Only 56 degrees to go; Heading out on to the lake on Saturday morning; Saturday afternoon video clip;
Saturday evening with Graham & Wevvy out for a little row to shore; Here's the little guy sitting on the deck of Free Bird, watching the glorious sunset. Jason was up there keeping him company, too; A.G. enjoys a cool drink on the warm evening. Ahhhhhhhhh; Sunday morning, looking out to the north east - Beaverton/Gamebridge way. Note both the incredibly calm waters as well as the incredible number of dead bugs on our canvas. Note to self - no anchor light on in the future; Heading back into port on Sunday evening, following SunAria;

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