Monday, December 20, 2010

Back On Georgian Bay - Beausoleil Bay at Anchor

~ Long(er) Days ~
 I'm very happy to remind you all that Tuesday marks the first day of winter - the shortest day of the year. Oh goody, you're thinking? YES! From Wednesday onward, the days will be getting longer again and we are only 3 months away to the first day of spring :-)
 And not too long until late evening sunsets like this one;

~ Part Four of the Big Boat Delivery HOME From Michigan to Lake Simcoe ~

 After safely crossing the western part of Georgian Bay from Tobermory and spending the night in Midland, we moved onto our 'relaxing' portion of the journey - anchoring for a couple of days in Beausoleil Bay.

 Anchor Girl was happy to finally have the rough waters behind us and enjoying a restful time at anchor;

A view from the fly bridge deck looking northward towards Chimney Bay;

A zoomed-in shot from the same vantage point. That there would be just about where we were last summer when the anchors let loose. Pretty spot, isn't it?

 One of the features I like the most about the new boat is the big, comfortable shower on board that I use regularly. The cool part is that there is an operating porthole in the one in our master bath and it's great to be able to look out across the water while having a shower :-)
 Here's a video to give you an idea of what I mean. And don't worry, I'm not actually showering in the clip ;-)

A.G. sitting at the back of the boat whilst I was floating out on the dingy taking some pictures of the boat - and A.G.

 This was our very first time at anchor with the Big Boy. That big, 47 pound 'Delta' style anchor and chain rode certainly holds well;

 Note the sunshine 'rainbow' in the center of this pic. That was a naturally occurring phenomenon, not just a reflection in the lens. Beautiful;

Same spot, looking back towards the boat;

 A panning video of our anchorage and the beautiful summer scenery;

Another wonderful sunset shot;

 And another;

 One more video, depicting how much the boat was swinging this day;

 Nothing like a BBQ on the boat anchored out on the water;

It was nearly a full moon that night, casting it's light across the bay;

The Water Wings crew joined us the next day;

Nice to back up on The Bay, eh guys???

 The evening sun glintering (yes, that's a real word) on the water;

 Here is is in video form;

Pointing the camera slightly to the right (north-west), brought this lovely site into view;

Again, we have video of this sight;

 Meanwhile, Anchor Girl jumps in for a pre-breakfast swim. As for me, I simply turned on the air conditioner on the boat;
 Swim all done, A.G. waits for me to finish cooking the breakfast on the BBQ;

 After pulling anchor, we headed northward to check out the anchorages in around Bone Island. After touring through that entire area for about two hours, we found all the spots full with boats, so we continued north to another slice of heaven that we were told about. We'll visit that in the next segment;