Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Labour Day 2012 at The Waubic

A bunch of fun from the Labour Day long weekend, which found us back at The Waubic Restaurant alongside the Severn River.

 When we left our marina for the weekend, it was another really windy day, but we made the run up no problem. Just before hitting Swift Rapids Lock (#43), we met up with friends and decided to spend the night there with them and continue on to our final destination - the Waubic - the next morning.

 Here we are tied up for the night, which was the first time we did an overnight at this lock;

Enjoying some good times, along with a couple of cold ones :-)

The view from our flybridge. Yet another nice spot.

. . . and a beautiful sunrise the next morning. The day gave us hot weather and calm conditions.

When we arrived at The Waubic, we had to drift in the river for a little bit while the previous nights' guests left the docks. No problem, as it was calm, unlike our previous visit here in July when we had to deal with strong westerlies while waiting for our spot - and three professional dock captains who were full of suggestions as to how I should make my approach in the wind ;-) Guess which one I listened to? HA!

This weekend was one of the best all summer for weather and we was all in swimming - and trying our skills on Kim's SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard). To my pleasant surprise, Anchor Girl was a natural on the thing! Myself, not so much :-)

The owners of the place have two dogs that great the guests when they arrive. This guy is named Tanner and he will spend the entire day with you retrieving a ball if you throw it. Problem with that is he jumps in thew water a lot and loves to shake his stinky wetness all over when he brings the ball back. . .

Kicking back on 'Poker Sticks' before going to the restaurant for dinner.


Jimmy shows off the huge portions of fish (along with everything else) that they serve. The food here is really good!

A peaceful evening on the docks. A spot we are looking forward to visiting many more times!

Calm conditions lead us back into our home port. Sure was a great weekend!!

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