Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Writing For Ebay

I am very pleased to announce that I have been invited by eBay to contribute a number articles to their new boating blog. More specifically, eBay Motors, which focuses on the motorized world, including boats.

 Probably no surprise, but 'Boats' is the part where I come in ;-)

 As part of increasing awareness for all boaters, eBay Motors is expanding their reviews, guides and more to help those of us needing anything from maintenance items to parts, accessories, boats and pretty much everything else you might need - including insightful written articles.

 As part of the newly expanded team, I look forward to adding value with my initial series of  'How To Guides'. Along with posting them directly on the eBay site, I will also be sharing them here, so I hope you will follow along.

 As many of you know, sharing my boating experiences is something that I continually work to expand, all the while working towards making this passion a full time endeavor. Being part of the eBay team will help me realize this dream and I am look forward to your continuing support! And hey, you never know what you might learn ;-)

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