Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Mother Of A Day ;-) Snow At The Marina!

Mother's Day at the boat (and probably everywhere else, too) was an interesting experience. After coming through our never ending winter this year, we had all thought that the newly discovered Spring-like conditions were here to stay. Well, no such luck. . .

 On Mother's Day, we woke up to cool, cloudy and windy conditions. No problem, as we were snugly tied to the dock at the marina, and snugly warm inside the boat, with the heat keeping is comfy & cozy. The interesting part came around 11:00 in the morning when the first bit of snow hit. By around 2:00, it was a full on snow storm! With the wind howling in from the west, there were times it was difficult to see many of the other boats in the marina!

 The snow was actually starting to accumulate on the side curtains.

 Thankfully, those conditions have passed and we went on to a beauty week, with the long term weather looking a lot more like, well - SPRING!

 Happy voyages!!

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