Monday, November 4, 2013

Quit Your Job & Live On A Boat - Upcoming Book Review

This is another part in the continuing series of updates on our preparations to sell our house, downsize everything and move full time aboard our boat 'Boogaboo', a 1997 Sea Ray 400 Sedan Bridge.

 I recently came across a book written by a fellow boater who, like ourselves, came to the conclusion that living on the boat is better than living, well, pretty much anywhere else! His name is Ed Robinson and he has a bit of a jump on us as he and his wife have been living this dream for awhile already.

 He wanted to share their story and has wrote a book about it, entitled 'Leap of Faith / Quit Your Job And Live on a Boat'. Ahhhh, words to live by :-) I have requested a copy of the book from Ed and he is sending me a one soon. I'm really looking forward to reading it and will be sharing my thoughts and insights here, so keep an eye out for it.

 More inspirations for my imagination :-)