Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Holding Tank Replacement

After talking about it for the past three seasons, we were finally forced to replace the poop tank on 'Boogaboo'. Yup, a shitty job, but we ended up having no choice but to do it now.

With lots of cruising to beautiful destinations like this, more holding tank capacity is appreciated.

 The boat was originally built with only a 28 gallon capacity holding tank and we wanted to replace it with a larger tank from season one of our ownership, but never got around to it. For better or worse, the tank actually made the decision for us, as it began to leak around the waste removal side - which is at the bottom of the tank, so it would have leaked all the time if not repaired. Plus, there had been issues with too much suction in the past and the tank had imploded, for lack of a better term and there was a crack at the top of the tank. Further, one of the leads for the useless tank monitor had broken loose and was letting stink smell escape whenever the toilets were flushed. I had thoroughly investigated that issue a couple of weeks before haul-out, but despite a thorough check, could not determine where that smell was coming from. It wasn't until the tank was removed from the boat completely that I could see what was happening, as it was at the very top of the tank but the top of the tank was too close to the deck to see it in the cramped bilge. . .

 Thankfully, the worst part of the job is now out of the way and we're ready for the new, larger tank. Given the time of year and the fact that cold weather has set upon us, we won't be getting the replacement tank until closer to the spring and will do the install at that time. I'll be doing a follow up post and video at that time, so be sure to check then (that's spring of 2014 - if you are reading this well into the future).

 In the meantime, here's a long video of the stinky removal project. Don't worry, you don't have to hold your nose, as I had the smell-o-capture feature turned off on the cameras when the work was being done ;-)

 As always, I look forward to your comments, questions or suggestions!
