Hello. Today, we begin the Tour Of Georgian Bay with not one, but TWO videos of the Midland Town Docks. Plus, for the first fifty visitors only, we are giving away some bonus photos - with absolutely no extra fees. And no salesman will call . . .
Midland is located within 30 - 45 minutes west/southwest of Lock #45 on the Trent system & right around the corner from Penatanguishine. I'm working on a detailed Google Map with the local routes & distances and will post it in the coming days, as we continue with the tour.
The first bonus photo is the view entering Midland Bay from the north. Note the prominent stone piles to the east. The Town Docks are just past these mountains;
In this next picture, we see 'Boogaboo' - our 1987 Sea Ray 300 Sundancer - berthed in the dock. The downtown part of Midland is seen in the distance. Similar setup to the Port of Orillia, with the docks located at the foot of the main drag;
Looking back westward, one can see the large murals painted on the ADM processing plant at the water's edge. The cruise boat 'Miss Midland' is berthed right across from this spot (when in port);
A northerly view captures the big piles of stone next to the docks. Central Marine is also seen in the shot;
We saw a couple of neighbors there this summer, aboard the yacht 'Silver Cloud', an older Trojan cruiser. They were leaving the port & heading over to 'Squeaky Springs' beach on Beausoleil Island;
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