Friday, November 14, 2008

Sunny Days ~ Cameron Lake + Fenelon Falls Sunset

It seems that this season the sunny days were few and far between. The same held true for the Canada Day Long Weekend, but we were fortunate enough to at least have a couple of nice sunset evenings out of the mix - one of which I'm highlighting in this posting. 

 As you may remember, the Freebird crew joined us for a trip to Fenelon Falls for the weekend. On the Sunday evening we were privileged to witness a glorious sunset over Cameron Lake. As we were staying at Fenelon Falls Marina, the view from the docks looks towards the northwest and the setting sun. Anchor Girl & I have spent more than one night here over the past few years and we've always had the good fortune of witnessing these sunsets on each journey.

 The top photo captures a bit of both Boogaboo & Freebird with the setting sun in the background. The next shot is looking directly backwards towards the marina itself. Note the bright sunshine reflecting off the glass; Here's a bit of a - forgive the pun - 'reflective' sort of pic, with me both capturing the photo and the sun itself. For some reason, this shot brings to mind the song by Jim Croce 'Time In A Bottle' Why do I always bring up the notion that our time here is limited? Reflective, I guess . . . Figure that one out you'll realize why I take so many pictures. And why I love to share them;
Hey! Graham's taking a picture of us;
 And somehow I got the picture he took. Look close & you'll see my video camera sitting on the dock at my feet. That's where the video clip came from;
 Need I say any more?;

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