Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I guess I should open this segment by asking; "What did you expect?"

After the cold, rainy, windy 'summer', it should have come as no surprise that this last long weekend of the year would be the same. Despite the weather conditions, us boating die-hards were able to make the most of it :-) Friday evening was a washout - with lots of rain and wind, but Saturday the sun was shining and I was able to get the dinghy out of the water and wash it for the off-season storage, all snugly at home;
On Saturday evening we had a nice fire, as I had brought a bunch of fast burning, heat generating wood from home. The only problem was that with dark descending on us earlier and earlier, when it seemed like 10:00 or later - it was only 8:00! It was actually a good thing that Debbie & Graham got back from their family visit later that night, otherwise we would have been back on the boats by 8:30! But wait - that's what happened on Sunday night:-( One by one, the cold took hold of everyone . . . It was actually ONLY 8:30 on Sunday when the last two of us went back to the boats. Too bad, because despite the frigid air temps, for this guy, it was soooooooo nice being there at the fire & realizing that it would one of the last times this season I really didn't want to leave. . . .

Here's a picture I took on Sunday evening, with the passing clouds dropping the first SNOW of the season! That's right, we saw a few flakes falling just after dinner. And no, the flakes I'm referring to were the fluffy, white, frozen precipitation type - not me or Graham;

We kept moving Monday with us all joining in for three boat trips to the gas dock for the final pump outs of the season;

With any luck, the weather will cooperate with us next weekend, as I'm really hoping to be able to take 'Boogaboo' out for one last run of the season. We kinda got a bit of a tradition started with that over the past couple of years and I'm looking forward to being able to do it again this year. So keep your fingers crossed. . .
Over the past eight years of this site and the 11 seasons we've been part of all of what makes Rotten Row & the Dock Crocs special is that fun comes in many forms ;-) And it's absolutely amazing how all those special memories come to be. With that thought in mind, I'm gonna share this with you. The dictionary defines the word 'Summer' as the following;
  1. The usually warmest season of the year, occurring between spring and autumn and constituting June, July, and August in the Northern Hemisphere, or, as calculated astronomically, extending from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox.

  2. A period of fruition, fulfillment, happiness, or beauty.

I hope we can head into the off season with a positive sense of fulfillment, happiness and beauty of the year - despite the weather. Don't know about you guys, but again I really had a wonderful summer. Sure it wasn't near close to a hot and sunny one, but I really enjoyed all that season brought. To quote one Mr. Von A; "the best boating plan is no plans . . ." I guess that, because of the weather, we were forced to adapt that approach to our boating - and I can say that I like the way it all worked out :-) New places, new experiences, new memories. And sometimes we didn't even have to leave the marina.

Yes. Thank you.

I'm gonna do my best to share some of our most recent memories - those being the ones from 2009. I've already got a whole bunch of pictures ready to go and quite a few video clips that I hope will bring smiles to your faces & a warm glow to your hearts :-)

Sorry if you're not a big fan of Georgian Bay, but I'm going to be doing a lot of reminiscing on that subject. For those of you who are fans, wonderful! Our time up there this year was again (. . . he said with a long pause while he searches his mind for the most descriptive term . . .) - GREAT! I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I hope we can all hear from each other from time to time right here on this site! I enjoy putting these things together and always look forward to your feedback! If you perhaps have some pictures or stories of your own - and your camera isn't at the bottom of Lake Simcoe - please feel free to post them here or pass them along to me. I'd be happy to share them on your behalf . . . Otherwise, please keep a lookout for all the fun to be posted here over the next few months!

What did you expect?

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