Friday, January 29, 2010

Tipping Day

Tipping Day is here!! For those of us poor slobs who have not yet retired, stopped working or otherwise not obliged to head to the salt mines every day, I am very happy to announce 'Tipping Day, 2010'!!

 Tipping Day? Yes, this is the day when we tip the scales from being CLOSER to THIS YEARS' holidays and FARTHER AWAY from last years'. That's a good thing. One more milestone that we've overcome for the off season!!

 Despite how much we all dread the end of the season, I have to say that this one has been really good for me. . .  Good time to clear my head and refocus on the important stuff. Too bad I haven't focused as much on this years' Follies - but I am working on the Year End Video tonight - and with any luck I'll actually get a chance to do the invitations. Might be a good idea, given the fact that we are only 2 weeks away. . .

 Tomorrow, Anchor Girl & I are gonna take a land cruise up to Georgian Bay. Plan is to visit Midland, Port Severn and Honey Harbour. We got a semi-Santa thing new camera & I wanna play with it. Plus, it's a good cure for my cabin fever.  Remember that 200 +++ hours I spent this time last year on the Year End Video? Well, this time around I've invested that time (and much more) into work. You know, that time we spend in between our holidays ;-) With any luck, it should pay off handsomely :-)

 I want to add that Me & AG spend most Sunday evenings with the laptop hooked up to the big screen TV to surf the interweb looking for inspiring photos & wideos for our next Georgian Bay adventure. Way better than the brain numbing crap that is on broadcast TV . . .

 So, if you hope to see anything on the big screen this year for FFFvIX, you're gonna have to wait for the next installment of fun filled photos here. It's coming, just can't say when.

 Plus, I hope to have some time to include a little lesson on the whole HD phenomenon . . .