Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where Does Summer Go?

Time. Where does it go?

 Was it not just a few weeks ago that we were lamenting the end of the '09 season? And here we are, the Boat Show behind us, just a few weeks until the Follies of February and the days are getting perceptibly longer. That last one is a good thing :-)

 The Boat Show was fun & you will all be happy to learn that I was able to score a great deal on an overdue upgrade to Boogaboo's sound system.

 Speaking of upgrades, I just got my renewed BoatUS membership in the mail this week and made sure I got the unlimited towing option. After seeing and hearing about all the smashing and clunking on Georgian Bay last year, I figured it would be a prudent move - especially since we are hoping to go even farther off the beaten track this summer. . .

 At the Boat Show, as planned, we met up with the 'Water Wings' crew. . .

 . . . And the 'Maple Leaf' & 'SunAria' crews;

~  At Echo Bay, Part II  ~

 On the third day of our Echo Bay adventure, the Maple Leaf & crew pulled in to spend some time, go swimming and sing totally off key with the rest of us; 

 Now the Three Rays are in the company of that beauty 1936 Taylor Craft;

To keep everything Gute-N-Tite,the boys with the pretty dental work decided it was time to take another line to shore;

That there looks like it'll be real good for holn'd them thar boats;

Capt'n Buttercup takes a refreshing swim - right after pushing his sister in the drink!

Despite the 'smart' remark on my shirt, it was good to see you again, Miss Ellie;

Buttercup's sister (the one he had recently pushed into the water), Leanne, joins Billie Sue & Sanja in the smoking area

It's Captain Bob;

With our FOUR stern lines secured for the evening, it was time to prepare for a good old fashioned singalong;

By the look on his face, I'd say Scott was right into a rousing rendition of Jackson Browne's 'The Load Out/Stay';

The next morning, the Maple Leaf pulls out for the run up to Parry Sound. Once again, the forecast for later that day was for some pretty strong winds, so we decided to take advantage of this lull to head to town for supplies and a secure dock. As the Maple Leaf travels at about 3.4 MPH (down hill), we gave them a big head start. We still got there first ;-)
 The forecast proved bang on, as the wind was really blowing when we got into the Parry Sound docks. So much so, that some of us (including me) almost got INTO THE DOCKS when we landed;

Our turn to move on from Echo Bay. But wait- why is the Water Wings crew doing all the prep work aboard SunAria? Isn't that the job of the captain & crew of the vessell? HA!
 Really, Sanja, you gotta find yourself some deck hands for these types of trips . . .

Lucky for me, I have my own deck hand :