Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last Boating Pics of 2011

Here's a few pics from the 2011 season I wanted to share before we start the 2012 year, which will happen in a very short while. You may have noticed that I've posted little or no photos from last year at Everglades Marina. If so, you are correct in that observation.

 Returning to more happy thoughts, here's a bunch from the few weekends we had at the end of the season, up at Lagoon.

 First few I took looking around from the flybridge;

 See the rising full moon? I got a couple of good nighttime shots from this vantage point one other evening (shown a bit lower down this page);

Here comes Bill & Joan;

Same boat, different evening;

Yet another wonderful sunset I was able to witness. Hopefully we'll get down to the beach this summer to capture some sunsets over the lake;

I took these next three tripod shots with a very long exposure setting (15 seconds) on the camera;

Great shot of the moon, mist and jet con trail over the lights that are reflecting on the still water;

A misty Boogaboo;

Getting late in the season, with everyone in sweaters and jackets;

Poker Stix (Sticks?) coming back into the slip;

A foot warming fire ;-)

These next few are taken at the fire pit, looking across the lawn towards the river;

Anchor Girl & Jason starting a fire;

Back at the boat on a still evening;

 Jimmy, coming back from an afternoon fishing trip;

Sparkly wheels & a shiny boat. Looking forward to our first full year here;