Saturday, November 29, 2008

Summer in Winter

Okay, so it's not actually winter yet, but with the snow and cloudy days, it seems more and more like it. Anyone liking the 'dark by 4:30' days?? Me neither. 

 There has been a bit of ice forming on Cooks Bay, but nothing too serious. If you can believe it, I actually heard a go fast boat out on the lake a couple of weeks back. Those goofy die hard boaters.

. . . . Before we get into the 'summer' part of this posting, I wanted to announce that we have another member of the Boogaboo family! On a sad note, we lost one of our two cats - Mr. Wiggles - back on Remembrance Day. Yes, it was tough, as he had been with us going on 15 years and was a real part of the family. He was also a buddy of our other cat - Fester, who has been really sad and lonely since loosing his friend. A cat, sad and lonely you ask? Absolutely. So, I'm happy to share with you all the little ball of terror we adopted this week. His name is 'Micro' and he's fitting in nicely to the Boogaboo home; Mr Wiggles? Fester? Micro?? Who the heck comes up with these silly names? Anchor Girl? Commodore Frankie? Hmmmm . . . a mystery, for sure. 

 Alrighty then, on with tonight's show. All of the photos and videos in this post (except for fuzzy little Micro) were taken on the weekend of June 14th, 2008 Here's the cast and crew trying to dodge the cork that's about to fly from Sanja's champagne bottle during the toast to the official blessing of SunAria;

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sunny Days ~ Cameron Lake + Fenelon Falls Sunset

It seems that this season the sunny days were few and far between. The same held true for the Canada Day Long Weekend, but we were fortunate enough to at least have a couple of nice sunset evenings out of the mix - one of which I'm highlighting in this posting. 

 As you may remember, the Freebird crew joined us for a trip to Fenelon Falls for the weekend. On the Sunday evening we were privileged to witness a glorious sunset over Cameron Lake. As we were staying at Fenelon Falls Marina, the view from the docks looks towards the northwest and the setting sun. Anchor Girl & I have spent more than one night here over the past few years and we've always had the good fortune of witnessing these sunsets on each journey.

 The top photo captures a bit of both Boogaboo & Freebird with the setting sun in the background. The next shot is looking directly backwards towards the marina itself. Note the bright sunshine reflecting off the glass; Here's a bit of a - forgive the pun - 'reflective' sort of pic, with me both capturing the photo and the sun itself. For some reason, this shot brings to mind the song by Jim Croce 'Time In A Bottle' Why do I always bring up the notion that our time here is limited? Reflective, I guess . . . Figure that one out you'll realize why I take so many pictures. And why I love to share them;
Hey! Graham's taking a picture of us;
 And somehow I got the picture he took. Look close & you'll see my video camera sitting on the dock at my feet. That's where the video clip came from;
 Need I say any more?;

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Georgian Bay Tour - Part Uno

Hello. Today, we begin the Tour Of Georgian Bay with not one, but TWO videos of the Midland Town Docks. Plus, for the first fifty visitors only, we are giving away some bonus photos - with absolutely no extra fees. And no salesman will call . . .

 Midland is located within 30 - 45 minutes west/southwest of Lock #45 on the Trent system & right around the corner from Penatanguishine. I'm working on a detailed Google Map with the local routes & distances and will post it in the coming days, as we continue with the tour. The first bonus photo is the view entering Midland Bay from the north. Note the prominent stone piles to the east. The Town Docks are just past these mountains; In this next picture, we see 'Boogaboo' - our 1987 Sea Ray 300 Sundancer - berthed in the dock. The downtown part of Midland is seen in the distance. Similar setup to the Port of Orillia, with the docks located at the foot of the main drag; Looking back westward, one can see the large murals painted on the ADM processing plant at the water's edge. The cruise boat 'Miss Midland' is berthed right across from this spot (when in port); A northerly view captures the big piles of stone next to the docks. Central Marine is also seen in the shot; We saw a couple of neighbors there this summer, aboard the yacht 'Silver Cloud', an older Trojan cruiser. They were leaving the port & heading over to 'Squeaky Springs' beach on Beausoleil Island;

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Summer In November

I know I'm probably gonna jinx it - but what a week we've had, eh? The weather this week was better than most of the summer. That & gas is back down to a reasonable price. Where the heck was THAT this summer?

Oh well, we made the most of it, despite the cool & rain and the silly fuel prices. At least beer didn't go up :-)

I was so impressed with the weather this week (mainly because the timing was perfect for an outside work project I'm involved with), that I stopped on the way home tonight to grab a picture or two and a quick video clip of the gorgeous evening twilight over Lake Simcoe.

Despite the mistaken date in the clip, this was taken today, November 6th (he wrote after the quick glance at the calendar). These were snapped right around the corner from home, at the old Keefer's Marina location on Cooks Bay.

For anyone who's visited this thing over the past week, you may have noticed that I had a 'Countdown To Relaunch Clock' posted, but it wasn't co-operating, so I took it down. I've looked for another one, but nothing (so far) that works in this 'blog' format. Maybe I'll get one posted on the main Rotten Row site, since that is where 92% of all the visitors to this blog come from . . .