Saturday, November 7, 2009

Time Wasted?

Tonight we (I) mark one more post on this Blog. Big deal or just a lot of time wasted?

 Well, I can't think of it as time wasted. More like an uplifting experience for myself. If you have been following along, you will have noticed that most of this stuff has been created during the off-season weeks. How else am I supposed to pass my time & get the message out?? Sure, there's the ever present winter weekend Home Improvement projects. That does pass the time during the daylight hours, but, despite the fact that the boats are out of the water & all put away for the year, I still find myself reviewing & reliving the in-water boating experience. How could I not?

 I know I've said it already, but despite the crappy weather we had, I can say that this year was another great one. And full of wonderful memories. Memories worth sharing. With my line of work (I've been at it for over 20 years) the vast majority of what I do is second nature. OK, so there's the odd time I misfire my nail gun and end up swimming in the Pefferlaw River . . . But, apart from times like that, I'd say 85% of my day doesn't require a whole lot of intensive thought. Hey - just ask my customers ;-) I'm sure they'd vouch for my singing abilities - or lack thereof.

 Singing = Happy :-) Happy = Maintaining what little sanity I have left. Yes, I do allot of singing at work. And thinking. And a good majority of that thinking surrounds our boating time adventures and how fortunate I am to be able to continue with the experience. In case you missed it, there was a draw for the new Lotto Max lottery this past Friday. Fifty million dollar first prize! Ten one million dollar second prizes. No, our number didn't come up. Not in the Lotto Max draw anyway. As far as I'm concerned, I won the life lottery long ago and am enjoying all the wealth that my life continues to present to me.

 Too bad I never came to this realization sooner, but I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. Sure, I could use more money or more time to sleep in on the weekday mornings, but all in all I have very little to complain about. I often consider how our lives might change if a windfall of $millions was thrust upon us. A new car? Got one. Bigger house? Don't need it. Bigger boat? THAT is on the horizon. . . . . I'm always looking at that bigger Sea Ray ;-) The point I'm trying to make (for any of you who are still listening) is that in my view, I'd be a lesser person if I had won a big cash lottery years ago. I know that, because with the change in circumstances that $million would have brought, I would have missed that beautiful sunset I'm sharing with you at the top of this posting. And I'm sure that I would have missed most of the experiences I've had the good fortune to be part of over the past few years. We don't have enough space & time here to review ALL of those experiences, but I'll share what I can. Those same experiences that fill 85% of my day. . . Still listening?

 Ok, enough of Paul's philosophic musings and on to some more recent memories & sanity maintenance. Tonight's pics are from the last weekend of the 2009 in-water boating season - the weekend of October 17th/09. And yes, we simply must look at a couple of the late Friday afternoon sun, slowly setting over the Pefferlaw River; Despite being cold at night, the days were sunny. At least the weather bid us farewell in a nice way. Graham & Anchor Girl get Friday evening's smoke - I mean fire going. Winter coats and double layers of shirts & sweats; The sun sinks away. Beautiful; Unfortunately, this is what happens to a shore power cord when you have two heaters running continuously. Don't tell Sue, she's got enough to worry about in that joint; With no wind on Saturday afternoon, it was quite pleasant to kick back on the deck; The last BBQ of the season. Sniff, sniff; Robin brought out a bottle of bubbly to toast the season. Thanks, man; Look, it's the premium stuff, too. The wine was pretty good, as well; Saturday night's fire. We ended up this year with just about the same amount of firewood left over as we had last year. Should be enough for the first couple of fires next year. I'll be sure to save whatever fire starting wood I can over the next few months, too; Sunday morning greeted us with a layer of frost. Like my self portrait?; After a good breakfast at the restaurant, we took Boogaboo over for the final pump out & it was out onto the lake for the traditional last cruise of the season; The lake was spectacular and we cruised slowly up to the top of Georgina Island - past all the American fishermen. These guys travel form as far as Michigan to catch what they call the best fish around;   Sure am looking forward to getting back to this place next year . . . .

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the July 1st Long weekend trip. BlackFly Mountain at Lost Chanel - cant wait!

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