Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lost Channel + Deep Bay Anchorages - Heading Back Home

Hello again. Can you believe it's already December?!?!? Well, as of the time of this composition, it's about 30 hours from December 1st, but you get the idea . . . So, where are we now? I'll tell ya, it's now only six weeks until the Boat Show and a mere 11 weeks to go for FFFvIX! Oh man, I really better get going on the year end video! I have some ideas in mind, but haven't actually started the editing part yet. I better ramp that up, or we ain't going to have much more than a photo slide show - and that's only good for so long. . . Tonight I will present to you the final installment of the Canada Day Long Weekend trip. Good thing too, as typing that title is allot of work each time. Just kidding - I tend to say too much anyway.

At the end of last week's episode, we found our intrepid bunch at anchor in Lost Channel. As we return, we find that everyone is busily departing the scene in search of new adventures and memories! Let's look in to see what they have found . . . With SunAria and Boogaboo having hoisted anchors and cast off lines, the crew of Water Wings is just now pulling anchor to set forth on the final segment of this extended five day weekend of new discoveries. Three cheers for new discoveries - Hip-Hip, HOORAY! Boogaboo heads back out through one of the narrow passages that protects this wondrous place for the outside world; Back onto the Trent Severn Waterway, we encountered crazy traffic that is reminiscent of the Honey Harbour area of Georgian Bay! Look close and you'll see Water Wings and SunAria off to the right side, trying to avoid the local yokels; Water Wings & SunAria bob around the lower reaches of the Swift Rapids Lock waiting to take the ride back up. Most of those boats you saw in the previous picture were all in a big hurry to get to this lock and simply tie up to the wall. With nowhere to tie up , we had to wait out in the open, shifting into and out of gear dealing with the current and waiting for our turn at going through the lock; All this waiting gave Sanja some extra time to find a recruit to help her go through he lock. As a result of the efforts of one of her fellow traveler 'volunteers', a good Samaritan - Bruce Anchor - was cohersed into offering a helping hand and hitched a ride from shore to go aboard and help go through the lock; Our originally planned destination for the weekend was Deep Bay, just north of Sparrow Lake. Since we never actually got there on the way up, we decided to venture into the bay for a look see on the way back. Despite what the name implies, the entrance to Deep Bay is very shallow and should only be attempted at a dead slow speed. Here's a shot of Water Wings, taken on our cruise out; Better hang on there, Mr. Ugly Wugley; SunAria heading out of the bay taking up the usual rear position. Maybe next year we will see a little more initiative to help lead the way on our upcoming adventures?? After the short southbound crossing of Sparrow Lake, we got into Lauderdale Marina. Of all the spots we got to on this trip, Lauderdale was the only one that was actually planned for. And what a fun time we all had getting into this joint!! Looking at this next picture, you'll see the twin Sea Ray's in their evening berths. Boogaboo is to the right of the picture, Water Wings to the left. Fortunately, I was first of the three to get into a slip and had the choice pick of where I wanted to go. Ahh, scratch that. More like the slip that the wind was going to tell me to pull into! It was blowing pretty hard and we all had a challenge just getting into the marina (or finding it). We probably had about 15 knot wind gusts - not the optimum conditions for pulling into a slip, driving into the bright sun, in a marina you had never been to! Well, Von A & I were able to get into our slips with minimal damage & embarrassment, secured and on the dock to help SunAria into her slip - the most challenging of the three. Or so we thought. . . After a heading well past her assigned slip (and quickly running out of space to drive a boat), Sanja was able to throw SunAria into reverse, turn hard to starboard, give her some throttle and back that boat perfectly straight into the the slip like the boat was on rails! I kid you not, there was A.G. & I on the dock, along with the two Mike's (from the old Chris Craft next door) , the owner of the marina and Von A on the Bayliner to port all waiting for what we thought was going to be an inevitable CLUNK into the dock, Bayliner, Chris Craft of all of the above - but nothing - a perfect landing! And that wouldn't be the last time we would run into the two Mikes on this trip; All safe & secure (and showered), we were able to grab a cold drink and check the place out. Hey Wevvy - don't that look like your boat in the background?; You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!

Here's a view of the marina office and store. This is also where the gas dock is. A little insight about the marina owners. Let's just say that they are of advanced years and getting gas is not a hurried event, by any means :-)

One more note on Lauderdale. When entering the marina, one must favour the port side inbound) of the entrance as there is significant shoaling to starboard. There were a few fenders in the water marking the shallows, but be aware when doing it against the sun or in rain;

Of course the last night of this mini holidays saw the best weather. Much like the last few days of our three weeks summer holidays saw the nicest conditions. Much like the last couple of weekends of the boating season were the best as well. Ya, and the weather was pretty good then, too;-)

Look at that beautiful full moon - both in the sky and reflecting on the water;

I took this shot looking out from the back of Boogaboo, with Sparrow Lake in the background. Don't those trees kinda look like palm trees (he asked wondering if he might get a response)?

The next two photos are a study in 'political correctness'. Both shots were taken at the exact same physical location, with nothing but two years separating them. One can see the first, current sign along the Severn River, roughly midway between Lock # 42 and Sparrow Lake. It indicates to boaters approaching the swing bridge that they might have to sound their horn to have the bridge opened for them to pass through. Pretty straightforward instruction, right?

I preferred the wording on the older one. It just seemed a bit more, aah, shall we say - to the point ;-)

Some video, taken just approaching the said swing bridge;

When we arrived at Lock#42, we found a whole bunch of boats already waiting to lock through. No doubt the good weather, plus the fact that it was a long weekend was the determining factors in our one hour wait, again bobbing around. This is where we again saw the two Mikes from Lauderdale Marina;

Southbound through the Bowling Alley marked the end of our 5 day journey. I remember when just going to Lake Couchiching was a big deal. Now, finding ourselves coming back onto it from the north mostly signifies the end to our newest adventures. Funny how perceptions change, eh?

And thus concludes the Canada Day Long Weekend Mini Holiday review. I look forward to our continuation of the Summer Holidays/09 adventure in the coming updates. I think I read something about the 'harrowing lost the anchors' incident!

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