Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stupid Geese

Glad to see you're back. . . . Nothing too exciting just yet, as last night we had a bit of a family thing for our little girl's 22nd birthday. That's right, the one kid who is STILL living at home.

Of course, that kept me pleasantly occupied for the evening. As a matter of fact, I ended up connecting my laptop to the big TV to give Anchor Girl's mom a couple of InterWeb pointers. Big surprise, right? As you could well imagine, things quickly deteriorated into a full fledged review of our summer holiday pics.

And you thought you had it rough. At least you can just click out of here when you get bored, but my mother-in-law was forced to go through a highly animated, narrative review of a number of the photos with me. And when I say 'forced', it was probably more along the lines of my subtle, yet surprisingly powerful means of persuasion ;-)

  Hey, I can't help it if I'm right into it - and some of the pictures look really good on the the big, 42" screen! I mean REALLY good. . .
So, tonight's update is to let you know that I was able to get the photos and videos uploaded for the Canada Day 2 posting. All I have left is to add the previously alluded to narrative annotations to the highly anticipated pictures, both static and moving. Give me some time for that, so I can everything just right.
While you are waiting, here's a little slice of what is at once both what was and what is yet to come. Oh, that's deep, man;

Ever notice how painfully long it takes me to make a simple point? You're most likely thinking that for all the time I spent on putting this little non-update together that I probably could have actually done a real one? Well, it's not that simple for me. You see, while you are looking forward to the next update, I'm spinning the wheels in my otherwise vacuous brain with what it is that we will be looking at next. Compound all that silly thinking stuff with the fact that I have many (!?!?!) photos/videos to go through and edit and, well, sometimes I slide a little off to the side.

 You'll be happy to learn that I have also started compiling the fun stuff for the 2009 Year End Video. With the lacklustre season we had, I feared that there wasn't going to be much ammunition - I mean content - for this year's upcoming presentation. Fortunately, those same wheels that are spinning for this place got into gear for some fun ideas for the video. Fun for me, potentially problematic and embarrassing for others ;-) 

 Was that another groan I heard??? Now I know I got EVERYONE'S wheels spinning, thinking about what they might have done this year. . .   

Insert mischievous laugh HERE.  

 See you in Lost Channel

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