Friday, November 6, 2009

Canada Day '09 @ Severn Falls - Serendipity

On with tonight's show. . . . Oh man! If it wasn't bad enough you've had to follow along with the boring summer holiday stuff, now I'm gonna drag you along for the July 1st Long weekend trip - featuring the 'Three Rays'.

Now, let's go back to the following thunderstorm picture, taken in Keswick on the way up to the cottage on June 30th. Cool cloud, eh? Doesn't it look like the profile of an old man's face (with an exaggerated chin)? Plus, if you look really closely, there is what appears to be a woman's face looking to the left (in the lighter part of the cloud). Click on the picture to see it in it's BIG form to see the detail.

Sometimes you have to look at something closely to see the big picture . . .

After getting fuel & a pump-out, we're ready to hit the water. Wevvy was there doing the same for Docked Wages. Looks like another typical, rainy summer day for 2009;

We crossed Lake Simcoe at speed - with SunAria making sure to keep pace with us. Don't worry, Sanja, we won't abandon you;-)

We all made a quick pit stop in Orillia for food and get into the spirit of the holiday. Hey, we even saw a Canada Day parade while we were there!

Back on the water and motoring (not motor-boating) up Couchiching;

That sure enough is a bizarre sight in the middle of all this. The Kawartha Voyageur passes us in the Severn River, just before Lock #42;

A tight pass going by the big boat;

Going past the CN railway swing bridge, just before the Couchiching Lock;

Here's a fascinating video clip from this same spot. Note the silly banter between Von A. & I. I think that during this trip someone in our pack commented on the fact that if there were outsiders listening to our constant silly conversations - including the one about the Romans traveling this route - that they would think we were a little cuckoo;

Here's a momentous moment in Dock Crocs history; Sanja taking SunAria into her very first lock all by herself. Good job, Captain ;-)

I still don't know how I do it, but not only did I get a photo of this remarkable event, but video too!

The big doors are open & we're on our way again;

Don't you hate when this happens? Some guy has ALL of Sparrow Lake to drive on but he insists on passing by as close as he can. Oh and go figure - he's on his cell phone, too;

In this picture, we can see Water Wings & SunAria passing by the railway overpass at 'Hydro Glen'. This spot got it's name from the fact that before the Trent Severn Waterway was extended through this region, a hydro generating plant used to stand here. That darn dam was blasted out to make way for us boaters with the replacement plant being subsequently relocated to it's current location beside the Swift Rapids Lock. Another interesting note about this spot is that the railway line that runs by here is the same one that passes right past our home port in Pefferlaw. Cool, eh?

Speaking of the Swift Rapids lock, here we are, coming up to it. I wanted to share this particular photo to give you all a heads up on the upcoming water rescue for Anchor Girl.
Upon closer study of the photo you will notice that not only is she NOT wearing a PFD, but she insists on constantly doing these little one legged dances on the deck. To compound things, this usually takes place while we are entering into - or exiting from - a busy lock, dock or anchorage. Not the optimal time for her to practice her balancing skills - or me my search & recovery skills. Like I keep telling her, it's not a matter of 'if' but 'when' she will find herself pitched over the side;

The final approach to the lock. Lock #43, Swift Rapids, is the highest lift conventional lock on the entire system. This one lifts or lowers boats 47 feet and replaced a marine railway that stood here from 1918 to 1965;

Looking up from the bottom inside of the lock chamber gives you an idea of it's impressive dimensions;
  Well, we had initially planned on going to Deep Bay for the weekend, but ended up going well past there and spending the first evening at Severn Falls. A better idea, I must say, as serendipity decided to shine upon us and led us to even more adventure, beauty and memories.
Here's a shot of the gals, just after we landed at Severn Falls Marina;

Awe, little Pugsely The Wugsely was so happy to be on the dock getting some attention from Anchor Girl;

Hey, I think the store here sells ice cream!

Told ya! Anchor Girl & Sanja just couldn't resist a cone;

Looking back over our dock for the night with the Severn River in the background with the 'Three Rays' all in a row. Did you notice that the sun has come out?
The barge filled with stone off to the right is owned by a fellow named Wayne. Wayne owns a company that, amongst other things, builds docks and retaining walls. Due to the nature of his business, he is very familiar with these waters and told me to grab my charts and he would show us a great spot to spend some time. That spot was Lost Channel, and it's one of those places you would never know about, or consider venturing into yourself unless someone told you about it. Well, we did hear about it and we did venture into it and it was wonderful. Another lifetime memory!
Today's word is Serendipity; 'an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.'
I tend to believe that it's all meant to be. I like it.

We awoke Thursday morning to a light drizzle. That's when Wayne called me over to look at the charts.
Here's Anchor Girl taking Ugly Pugsely for a walk before we headed off to our next adventure - and many more miles beyond where we all though we were going. . .

I am so looking to going even farther next year - imagining the wonderful, new and unexpected adventures that await us;-) I know that it all ended way too soon this year . . .
Stay tuned For The Next Installment of Canada Day 2009 . . . .

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